27 July 2008

The late, great Morjorie Newlin

This one is for all of you who think it's too late to start an exercise program....Check this out!


Ok....I hope that clip inspired you! Morjorie died this past February, may she rest in peace, but what she represents lives on. It is never too late to start a workout program. Morjorie started in her 70's. Please consult your physician if you would like to start an exercise program.

As promised, I'm going to share my thoughts on aspartame; Don't consume it! Why? Because I said so (how many of you have heard that as a kid?)! Seriously, aspartame breaks down into unhealthy acids in the body. Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners can cause a host of symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, joint pain and weight gain to name a few. And according to Young & Young, authors of The pH Miracle, artificial sweeteners can trigger or worsen fibromyalgia, diabetes, MS and Alzheimer's.

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a sugar substitute that is used in practically everything these days. Start reading food labels the next time you're in the local supermarket and you'll see what I mean. Manufacturers use it because it is cheaper and sweeter than sugar. The problem, however, is that it's been associated with obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman wrote a good book called Get The Sugar Out. According to her, HFCS is a sweetener your body doesn't recognize as a sugar and "by replacing sugar with HFCS, you can override your body's natural ability to feel full, so you eat more."

I've been experimenting with an all-natural sweetener called Stevia. I'll give you the 411 in my next post. It's time for me to do my PM stretch....

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